Communities Not Cuts Rally – Stand Together For What Matters

April 26 UPDATE: This event was postponed due to Saturday’s nasty weather.  Organizers are working to select an alternate date and we will post it when available.  Thank you to the hardcore supporters who did brave the weather to show up on Saturday!


As part of our coalition building efforts with community groups we are proud to support and participate in the Communities Not Cuts coalition.  Together we have planned an event which will be held at the Oodena Circle at the Forks in Winnipeg on Saturday, April 22, 2017 at 11:30.  It is a family oriented event so kids are welcome and it will provide an opportunity to share stories with other community groups and build solidarity and capacity for future events. We encourage members to attend to find out more about what is happening in their communities.Communities Not Cuts! gathering (at Oodena Circle, The Forks) @ Manitoba Children's Museum, Winnipeg [22 April]