Be Part of Manitoba’s Climate Plan!

CUPE 998 supports our members’ participation in the Made-In-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan survey, just released by the provincial government.  As ratepayers, taxpayers and Manitoba Hydro employees, we all have a vested interest in energy conservation, sustainability and knowing where our tax dollars are spent.  Complete the survey before the March 19, 2017 deadline to ensure your voice is heard.  More background and information can be found on the Political Action Committee page.

** Member engagement is our most powerful tool! **

Response to Manitoba Hydro Staffing Reduction Announcement

February 6 update:  Links to media coverage added to Political Action Committee page.

Today Manitoba Hydro issued this press release announcing a reorganization with a staffing reduction target of 900 positions over the next year.  This is an aggressive target and is bad news for our members and ratepayers.  Our official media release response can be viewed here.

Members can also check the Political Action Committee page for more information.

Manitobans Love PowerSmart

We polled and Manitobans answered. In December 2016, CUPE Local 998 and CUPE Manitoba commissioned Probe Research Inc. to conduct a poll of one thousand Manitobans to gain an understanding of public sentiment towards PowerSmart.  The results are in and confirm our belief that the public thinks PowerSmart should stay with Manitoba Hydro; with 94% of survey respondents supporting PowerSmart and 78% of survey respondents believing PowerSmart should stay with Manitoba Hydro.
A Media Release is  being issued today to inform the media of the Power Smart Poll Question Results in the hopes that they will carry the story to the public.  Follow the above links for the news release and poll question results and keep an eye on the news for media coverage.


PowerSmart Graphics Now Available

Show your support for protecting CUPE work and keeping PowerSmart at Manitoba Hydro by proudly displaying icons to help get the point across!  Two graphics are available below; to use them simply copy the image and paste into your document or email, or save to your device for future use.   The images can be resized to suit your needs.  Feel free to share them with others but please remember to use them for respectful purposes only.  #SavePowerSmart



November GMM Attendance

November GMM Attendance Prizes
November 18, 2016
Of the 70 members in attendance at the recent GMM, the following members had their names drawn to receive complimentary items from the Local: Phill Mitchell, Leslie Way, Amanda Toon, Jason Boitson, Kurtis Michaluk, and Andrew Palanuk.
It’s been a long time since we’ve seen this level of attendance and we hope this trend continues.  In the event of a future draw we will let the membership know in advance to help grow the attendance even more. We were very grateful to have had such an informed and engaged crowd. Thank you again for your active participation.