Mandate Letter from the Province

CUPE Local 998 would like to address the Mandate Letter from the Province that was released by the Minister of Crown Services.

The Hydro Electric Board that was put in place by this Conservative Government to oversee the strategic operations of Manitoba Hydro. It is telling that this Conservative Government does not trust their own board to align with their extreme mandate.

To that end, Manitoba Hydro President and CEO Jay Grewal announce that there will be no further reductions in staffing levels. The reductions required by the Government have already been achieved in the VDP (Voluntary Departure Program).

Jay went on to say that further staff reductions could lead to a reduction in the reliability of electricity to Manitobans.

CUPE 998 will always stand against Conservative attacks on Manitoba Hydro, including against the reliability of our electrical grid. We are pleased to see the Hydro Board and President standing on the side of Manitobans who expect a strong, reliable Manitoba Hydro.

In Solidarity
Michelle Bergen
President CUPE Local 998

Political Action

Mike Kubrakovich Committee Chair
Phone: 204-360-4457

Gord Meneer Committee Co Chair
Phone: 204-326-0486


They are responsible to communicate with municipal, provincial, federal authorities or officials, the general public and the media to represent the interests of our Local to the community at large.   The committee forms alliances with like-minded organizations to address issues of common interest works and also works to raise the political awareness of the 998 membership.

Political Action Committee Reports – as presented at monthly Executive Meetings

Political Action Archive


Holiday Greeting from CUPE Local 998’s President

As the holiday season is upon us, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year.

I hope that 2018 has been just as memorable for you, your colleagues and your loved ones as it has for me.

CUPE Local 998 is looking forward to what the New Year has in store for us.

I would like to extend a personal thank you to Chris Mravinec and his executive team for their hard work and dedication to our local; wishing them well in their future endeavors.

With your new executive in place, I look forward to working with the membership and the corporation to re-build and maintain a strong union.

On behalf of myself, the CUPE 998 Executive and our support staff, I want to wish everyone a happy and prosperous holiday season.

In solidarity,

Michelle Bergen                                                                                                                                                                                President CUPE Local 998