CUPE 998 members are proud of Manitoba Hydro and the work they, and all other employees, perform. Whether indoors or outdoors, from offices to field locations in every corner of the province, the natural gas and electricity needs of customers large and small are met day after day and into the future by competent and dedicated staff. It can be complex and demanding work but we are happy to deliver these services through a public utility owned by Manitobans. Our public utility is in a period of growth and renewal; the financial challenges this brings are investments in the future. A unified, public Manitoba Hydro protects rate-payers and delivers tremendous value to the Manitoba economy. Selling off or privatizing any part of it hurt in the long run and is simply not acceptable. We believe Manitoba Hydro should stay public and in one piece for the benefit of all Manitobans.
Here is an article written by Paul Moist, past president of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Canada’s largest public sector union. It does a good job of putting the issues into perspective and was originally printed in the June 2017 edition of The Wolseley Leaf.
Manitoba Hydro – Key to Our Future article